228 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Full Force Fugee


Thu 30th Dec 21:04
Europa 2210 rated  Good
Still trying to figure a stratergy for this board. Enjoyable, more a plan than just plain old luck of the roll.
#5 of 5
Thu 30th Dec 20:57
Battle USA rated  Good
Fun to ply. I've been rather lucky on this board.
#4 of 5
Thu 30th Dec 20:53
gods of the Titans rated  Great
really enjoy this board with total fog. Enjoyably frustrating.
#3 of 5
Thu 30th Dec 20:49
9 Blocks rated  Fair
wasn't sure which way the flow was going
#2 of 5
Sun 20th Jun 23:25
WarGear Warfare rated  Superb
It's my favorite board. Playes good. Don't take any roll for granted!
#1 of 5